Wednesday, October 9, 2019

"Watching and Waiting"

When I listened to To Our Children's Children's Children yester-day, I noticed a small thing in "Watching and Waiting."  "Share" in the lines "They're here for only you / To share" is sung with a melisma, although it's sung to two notes of the same pitch (G).  Still, the articulation gives something of a sense of the word's meaning, since the word is "share[d]" by the two notes.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

"The Dream"

I listened to On the Threshold of a Dream yester-day, and I noticed a small grammatical ambiguity in "The Dream."  One line could be rendered as "Come to witness spring's new hope, born of leaves decaying" (where "decaying" is a participle modifying "leaves") or as "Come to witness spring's new hope, born of leaves' decaying" (where "decaying" is a gerund).  As far as meaning, however, there isn't much difference.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

"Eternity Road"

I'm going a bit out of order in my cycle of albums, but I figured out some of the clarinet mellotron part in "Eternity Road" last night and noticed a small thing while doing so.  In the repeated line "You'll see us all around," the three syllables of "all around" are each sung to a different pitch (F C A, which is then echoed by mellotron).  Musically, this gives a sense of the breadth of "all around."